Texas Holdem Poker

All good Texas Hold’em poker players know how to read their opponents. Along the way you will have to learn how to ascertain whether they are bluffing or not but learning some basic Texas Hold’em poker strategies and rules ensure that you can at least do well in a friendly game.

Two Important Things to Remember

1. The 2 cards you are holding are the only poker cards that separate you apart from the other poker players and offer you the opportunity to win.

2. The face-up cards are the community cards, which means you share them with the other players. You should focus on what those cards can mean to your and as well as what they can mean to your opponents’ hands. Always keep a lookout if you think your opponents have a chance to get a straight or flush.

How to Evaluate your Cards

Usually, the First decision you have to make in Texas Hold’em poker hand happens with just your knowledge of what your 2 cards are.

Have a look at your 2 cards, and keep your expression neutral, don’t do anything to give away your reaction, whether you are playing online or offline. It’s obviously easier to get away with being emotionless when playing online but some people still have some ‘shows’ that are even apparent online. Don’t do the same thing every time you get a good or bad card like breathing in sharply or appearing listless.

Are those Cards Good or Bad?

Consider to fold before the flop when you have 2 non-pair cards, both worth less than ten. Conservative players may fold if even one card is less than ten; and aggressive players may stay in with lower cards of the same suit.

If the big blind is low enough, you could pay in to see the flop even when you do not have really strong cards in your hand. Remember to treat this as the exception to the rule, using it too often will get you in to trouble very quickly.


Lawrence Muller

Content Editor

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Lawrence is all in on the casino industry. His core market of focus is South Africa, but he has had significant exposure to international gambling markets. Areas ...continue reading

Fact-checked by: Thobani Mkhize